Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Talk like a pirate day - Thursday 19th September

Tomorrow is the official "Talk like a pirate day". For a bit of fun we watched a couple of you tube videos this morning about how to talk like a pirate. Tomorrow morning we are going to share our best pirate impersonations. I have also encouraged our class to speak in their pirate voices for the junior classes who are dressing up as pirates for the day. Some great sayings if you're stuck are below:

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! - exhortation of discontent or disgust
Ahoy! - Hello!
Ahoy, Matey - Hello, my friend!
Ahoy, me Hearties! - the same as saying "Hello, my friends!"
All hand hoay! - comparable to all hands on deck
Avast ye - stop and check this out or pay attention
Aye - yes
Batten down the hatches - put everything away on the ship and tie everything down because a storm is brewing
Blimey! - exhortation of surprise
Blow me down! - expression of shock of disbelief
Booty - treasure
Buccaneer - a pirate
Bucko - a buccaneer

You can find more sayings on the following website: http://www.piratetreasurenow.com/pirate-phrases.htm

You tube videos we watched:



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