Thursday, September 19, 2013

Diary Dates Term 3 Week 10

MON - Chapel, Chance and Data test, Library, Year 6 survey  

TUES - P.E, End of term Spelling test, Working on History assignment, Class Captain speeches

WED - Chapel money, Father / Son Breakfast and debate (finishing by about 10am), Learning Journeys 3-6pm, Art, all supplies for Amazing Race in the classroom

THURS -Amazing Race P1 and P2, House Shout performances P5 and 6, Library

FRI -Grandparents / Grandfriends Day, Music, Assembly, Day concludes at 12:30pm


Maths - Prepare for 1 minute maths facts test (Tuesday)
Writing - Decided on History Assignment topic, research after Tuesday.
Reading - Allocated chapters for Broken Glass 
Spelling - End of term spelling test on Tuesday
Other - Prepared for the Amazing Race

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