Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Diary Dates and Homework Term 3 Week 8

MON - Maths revision in class for test, iPads for Library, Chapel, 

TUES - P.E, Athletics training for inter school athletics team, need your note taking sheet for Feral Fish to write your information report, Maths test - measurement

WED - Chapel money, Art shirts, House Shout during form time, Maths test - volume


FRI - Assembly, ipads for Music, Spelling test, Homework due, P2 House Shout


Maths - Preperation for Measurement test Tuesday and Volume test Wednesday
Writing - Ribbons of Blue "At home" survey about storm water
Reading - Allocated chapters for Broken Glass 
Spelling - Unit 27

There has been a little bit of confusion regarding the Learning Journeys in the last week of term. Fathers' will be able to have a Learning Journey after the breakfast and Father/Son debate in the morning before recess. Mums, fathers who couldn't make the morning, siblings, grandparents, etc are more than welcome during the after school Learning Journey session which is noted in the diaries.


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