Monday, September 2, 2013

Puberty today

During the puberty discussion today many of the boys did have questions for Mr Pyefinch about how their bodies are going to change throughout puberty, but there were a huge amount of questions about how babies are made. Mr Pyefinch tried to cover the boys questions where appropriate in an open format.  This did involve covering more about puberty than we originally planned.

There were still lots of questions that they had which they may ask you tonight when they come home. Mr Pyefinch also touched on aspects with the boys about how to treat women with respect, especially when it comes time for them to have a girlfriend. The boys will have another session with Mr Pyefinch tomorrow as well to finalise these discussions.

It has been such a beneficial session for the boys already, where a huge amount of misconceptions were discussed. Having these lessons in Year 6 are so important as boys don't always get all the information they need about puberty before reaching high school.

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