Thursday, September 19, 2013

History Projects

Today all Year 6 boys had a meeting in 6LG to discuss and introduce the History Projects. They were shown the BLASTER inquiry process that will take place. The three best entries from each class will present to Mr Wright next term who will then select the winner. The Prize is awarded at Speech Morning to the Year 6 boy judged to have completed the best Project upon an area of Australian history.

The emphasis is upon depth of research, innovation and the passion, which the entrant has been able to bring to his subject. Previous efforts which have done well, for instance, have included DVDs, models, posters, newspaper front pages and photo albums as well as written reports in the more traditional sense.

Boys MUST select a topic that they have a link to and they must include a Primary Source such as arranging interviews with experts, conducting site visits etc. It can't just be something you like or are interested in, there must be a connection. E.g. just because you like the Eagles football club doesn't mean you can research the history of the Eagles. If you had a relative who played for the club, coached the club or helped manage the club then you can.

Ideas for selecting TOPICS:

a)     Look close to home- historic home, building or church. Some early history of your suburb, clubs, beaches, etc. Look at street names.
b)    Your own family, relative or person you know who has historic links to early WA or Australia, or was involved in historic events such as wars or politics.
c)     Events or happenings from history, famous people that interest you, places which you can research. The possibilities are endless.

Where to find out information: (suggestions)

  1. Internet;
  2. School and district libraries
  3. JS Battye Library- 4th floor, Alexander Library, Francis St. Perth.
  4. WA Historic Society (Broadway Nedlands)
  5. People who know about these things who you can interview.
  6. Visit actual places.

Boys have been asked to speak to their parents and decide on a topic by NEXT TUESDAY 24th SEPTEMBER and I will approve or ask them to modify slightly their topics to suit the project. It must be decided upon by this date because our class will then be completing the first two steps of the investigation for BLASTER.
B - Background - brainstorming or creating a semantic map of what they already know
L - Like / Need to know - coming up with their key question/s for the investigation
A - Access information / Action plan - boys will start creating a list of what they need to research. They will also be given a scrap book where all information/resources and their bibliography will need to be kept.

All research needs to be completed by the start of Week 2 Term 4 in the scrapbooks ready to be organised and used for their project pieces. This means that boys must be researching next week and during the holidays since first week back is Camp. Don't leave it until the last minute boys!!!!!!

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