Monday, September 23, 2013

Amazing Race - update, Music (class concert), History Assignment

Unfortunately due to a number of boys from our class being involved in School Tours on Thursday, as well as a number of PMC now being involved in other off campus activities the Amazing Race morning has been postponed until next term.

In saying this it would be fantastic for all boys to still have their activities 100% prepared this week along with their decorations so we can just store them in the classroom for next term. Costumes and props may be taken home tomorrow to ensure they won't be lost of misplaced during Learning Journeys.

Thanks again to all the boys for their creative ideas and hard work in preparing for the day. We are looking at running it Week 2, Term 4 (when we return from camp).

Don't forget boys that your class concert for Music is also on Friday. I can't wait to see you all perform!

Tomorrow all boys will also be given their BLASTER investigation sheet and scrapbook for their History Assignments. Remember your topic must 1. have a personal connection to you and 2. be something to do with AUSTRALIAN history. I have asked all boys who were unsure about their topics to have touched base with me by today.

We will start out brainstorm and lists tomorrow to help us with our research. I have asked boys not to stress too much about the final products at this stage since often these will change as they find information from different sources.

*Don't forget all research needs to be done over this week and holidays. All research should be completed and ready for organisation by the start of Week 2, Term 4.

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