Wednesday, September 25, 2013

End of the term

Good morning everyone,
I would just like to say a huge thank you to all the parents who came to Learning Journeys yesterday. It's such a magical time to be spending with your son and I was so proud of how all the boys conducted themselves. As you could see from yesterday, they have all come such a huge way this year!

A few little reminder for today:
1. Boys who are running tours please remember your formals.
2. Everyone needs to bring their House Shout costumes to change into at lunchtime.
3. All boys to meet their House coordinators at 1:30pm in the Chapel Forecourt before sitting in allocated house positions within the chapel.
4. In P3 and 4 tomorrow our class have their Music Class Concert with Miss Harford and Mr Brown's class.

Good luck to all boys today for House Shout. Just remember to really enjoy the experience, it really doesn't matter who wins or loses at the end of the day.

Yesterday boys completed their 5 key questions, as well as, their action plans for their History Assignments. Therefore, everyone is ready to make a good start on their research. Don't forget that all research needs to be completed by the end of the holidays, ready for you to start your final pieces at school next term.

In a previous post I had given you lots of ideas of where to collect information from. Remember you need to have a range of sources. E.g. only completing interviews is not a big enough range, just like only using the Internet wouldn't be enough. Don't forget your PRIMARY SOURCE as you must have at least one!

Good luck boys and have a fantastic end of term :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Amazing Race - update, Music (class concert), History Assignment

Unfortunately due to a number of boys from our class being involved in School Tours on Thursday, as well as a number of PMC now being involved in other off campus activities the Amazing Race morning has been postponed until next term.

In saying this it would be fantastic for all boys to still have their activities 100% prepared this week along with their decorations so we can just store them in the classroom for next term. Costumes and props may be taken home tomorrow to ensure they won't be lost of misplaced during Learning Journeys.

Thanks again to all the boys for their creative ideas and hard work in preparing for the day. We are looking at running it Week 2, Term 4 (when we return from camp).

Don't forget boys that your class concert for Music is also on Friday. I can't wait to see you all perform!

Tomorrow all boys will also be given their BLASTER investigation sheet and scrapbook for their History Assignments. Remember your topic must 1. have a personal connection to you and 2. be something to do with AUSTRALIAN history. I have asked all boys who were unsure about their topics to have touched base with me by today.

We will start out brainstorm and lists tomorrow to help us with our research. I have asked boys not to stress too much about the final products at this stage since often these will change as they find information from different sources.

*Don't forget all research needs to be done over this week and holidays. All research should be completed and ready for organisation by the start of Week 2, Term 4.

Piano Duet

Prep School
Piano Duet Club

~A Lunchtime Concert~

Showcasing the students who practise every Friday Lunchtime

Date: Tuesday, September 24th
Time: 1:00pm
Venue: Christ Church Grammar School Chapel

Repertoire from the
Classical ~to~ Contemporary greats!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Diary Dates Term 3 Week 10

MON - Chapel, Chance and Data test, Library, Year 6 survey  

TUES - P.E, End of term Spelling test, Working on History assignment, Class Captain speeches

WED - Chapel money, Father / Son Breakfast and debate (finishing by about 10am), Learning Journeys 3-6pm, Art, all supplies for Amazing Race in the classroom

THURS -Amazing Race P1 and P2, House Shout performances P5 and 6, Library

FRI -Grandparents / Grandfriends Day, Music, Assembly, Day concludes at 12:30pm


Maths - Prepare for 1 minute maths facts test (Tuesday)
Writing - Decided on History Assignment topic, research after Tuesday.
Reading - Allocated chapters for Broken Glass 
Spelling - End of term spelling test on Tuesday
Other - Prepared for the Amazing Race

History Projects

Today all Year 6 boys had a meeting in 6LG to discuss and introduce the History Projects. They were shown the BLASTER inquiry process that will take place. The three best entries from each class will present to Mr Wright next term who will then select the winner. The Prize is awarded at Speech Morning to the Year 6 boy judged to have completed the best Project upon an area of Australian history.

The emphasis is upon depth of research, innovation and the passion, which the entrant has been able to bring to his subject. Previous efforts which have done well, for instance, have included DVDs, models, posters, newspaper front pages and photo albums as well as written reports in the more traditional sense.

Boys MUST select a topic that they have a link to and they must include a Primary Source such as arranging interviews with experts, conducting site visits etc. It can't just be something you like or are interested in, there must be a connection. E.g. just because you like the Eagles football club doesn't mean you can research the history of the Eagles. If you had a relative who played for the club, coached the club or helped manage the club then you can.

Ideas for selecting TOPICS:

a)     Look close to home- historic home, building or church. Some early history of your suburb, clubs, beaches, etc. Look at street names.
b)    Your own family, relative or person you know who has historic links to early WA or Australia, or was involved in historic events such as wars or politics.
c)     Events or happenings from history, famous people that interest you, places which you can research. The possibilities are endless.

Where to find out information: (suggestions)

  1. Internet;
  2. School and district libraries
  3. JS Battye Library- 4th floor, Alexander Library, Francis St. Perth.
  4. WA Historic Society (Broadway Nedlands)
  5. People who know about these things who you can interview.
  6. Visit actual places.

Boys have been asked to speak to their parents and decide on a topic by NEXT TUESDAY 24th SEPTEMBER and I will approve or ask them to modify slightly their topics to suit the project. It must be decided upon by this date because our class will then be completing the first two steps of the investigation for BLASTER.
B - Background - brainstorming or creating a semantic map of what they already know
L - Like / Need to know - coming up with their key question/s for the investigation
A - Access information / Action plan - boys will start creating a list of what they need to research. They will also be given a scrap book where all information/resources and their bibliography will need to be kept.

All research needs to be completed by the start of Week 2 Term 4 in the scrapbooks ready to be organised and used for their project pieces. This means that boys must be researching next week and during the holidays since first week back is Camp. Don't leave it until the last minute boys!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Today in Grammar we learnt a new game for editing called Kung Fu punctuation. The boys really enjoyed this game and it might be a fun way for you to practice writing with your son at home. As them to give you a demonstration. So far we have learnt:
-full stop
-capital letter
-apostrophe (particularly for contractions which we focused on today)
-question mark

We also spent a long time today talking about their, there and they're as well as your and you're. Feel free to test your child on this at home as it is a tricky skill that many of them need greater practice on.

Talk like a pirate day - Thursday 19th September

Tomorrow is the official "Talk like a pirate day". For a bit of fun we watched a couple of you tube videos this morning about how to talk like a pirate. Tomorrow morning we are going to share our best pirate impersonations. I have also encouraged our class to speak in their pirate voices for the junior classes who are dressing up as pirates for the day. Some great sayings if you're stuck are below:

Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! - exhortation of discontent or disgust
Ahoy! - Hello!
Ahoy, Matey - Hello, my friend!
Ahoy, me Hearties! - the same as saying "Hello, my friends!"
All hand hoay! - comparable to all hands on deck
Avast ye - stop and check this out or pay attention
Aye - yes
Batten down the hatches - put everything away on the ship and tie everything down because a storm is brewing
Blimey! - exhortation of surprise
Blow me down! - expression of shock of disbelief
Booty - treasure
Buccaneer - a pirate
Bucko - a buccaneer

You can find more sayings on the following website:

You tube videos we watched:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

PMC Amazing Race

As part of the Week of the Arts, our class are creating an Amazing Race morning for the PMC boys. Each PMC boy will visit 10 different countries (activities) and complete a task at their own level. The Year 6 boys will be responsible for creating a welcome, dressing up in character, creating a stand and helping the boys complete their task.

As part of homework Year 6 boys are required to find their costumes and decorations. We are discussing today who is in what group, their allocated country and activities. Even the extra boys who are 'tour guides' have also been allocated a country to help prepare decorations, greetings, sign and facts for. Below are a list for any boys who have forgotten:

Station 1: New Zealand - Griffin
Boys will be using stamps to make their names.
FF: Teach the haka
  • Paper slips for each boy
  • Stamps from Mrs Boxall (letters)
  • Ink pads from Mrs Boxall
Station 2: America - Luke
Boys will spell out specific spelling words they have been practicing this term using scrabble letters.
FF: Use the same lists but mix them e.g. spell words backwards, alphabetical order, meaning of their words, use it in a sentence etc.
  • Collect scrabble letters from Mrs Venn
  • Ensure you have the spelling list for each PMC boy
Station 3: China – Lachy and Ollie F
Boys will solve a mathematical activity specific to their ability.
  • Jon and Jaylean – matching activity
  • Ben, Julian, Clancy - times tables from the 10's or 5's (only up to 5 x 5 with the 5's)
  • James - adding double digit number with carrying. Need a whiteboard, marker and calculator.
  • Justin - 3 times tables
Station 4: England – Kyle and Jamie
Boys will complete a P.E activity where they will need to kick as many goals as possible using a soccer ball.
·       Soccer ball
·       Whiteboard to keep tally with whiteboard marker
·       Soccer goals
Station 5: Russia – David and Sam
Boys will dress up in dress up clothes to show how to keep warm in freezing cold weather. They will then take a selfie of themselves using an iPad.
·       Mrs Geelhoed’s ipad
·       Fancy dress box of clothing
Station 6: Nepal – Wolf and Alexis
Boys will pretend they are climbing Mt Everest (make sure you tell them facts about the mountain) by counting how many steps from the oval to the top.
FF: See how fast you can get from top to bottom and time.
·       Fact cards about Mt Everest
·       Timer / ipad
Station 7: Mexico - Paul
Boys will read a passage from one of their reading books to you as perfectly as they possibly can. Assist them in reading words they are unsure of and give them a score for their effort.
·       Need to get passages from Mrs Venn for Julian, Ben, Clancy, James and Justin
·       Need to find and print A4 pictures of fruit with big font underneath for Jayelan, Tom and Jon to read.
Station 8: France - Jules
Boys will have to correctly and neatly colour in the flag for France.
·       A copy of the French flag for each boy. See Mrs Venn to find out sizes for each boy.
·       Coloured PENCILS in blue and red.
·       A printed picture of the French flag
Station 9: Hawaii - Angus and Nick
Boys will have to match the photo to the name of each PMC boy. Boys who are able to will put the names into alphabetical order.
·       You will need to have taken photos of each PMC boys and printed A4.
·       Have a large A4 name of each PMC boy
Station 10: Australia - Ed
Boys will have to place their hands into jelly and find a number of Australian objects.
·       Use your iPad to take photos of the Australian animals to make into a chart for boys to know what they have found
·       On the day collect Jelly and items from Miss Egan (Mr Griffin’s room)
·       Cleaning up products

Tour guides
Boys who will be assisting (going around with) PMC boys:
·       Campbell
·       Ollie . S
·       Andrew
·       Greg
·       Charlie
·       Jack
·       Fletch
·       Max
·       Louis
·       Alex