Monday, June 3, 2013

Diary dates and homework

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Public holiday

TUES -  P.E, Sports training for hockey and soccer

WED -  Art, Chapel Money, Cross Country

THURS -  Library, Interschool sport

FRI -  Assembly, Music (iPad), Homework Due, desk checks, spelling test, Maths test - Fractions

WRITING - Finish front cover designs for HOLES
READING - Catch up or re-read important parts of HOLES for our final chapter review
MATHS - Maths fractions review for test on Friday
SPELLING - Unit 17 - i_e, y, igh, i, ie  - extension boys to also complete extension activity sheet (you will need to take your blue spelling book home which has all the extension words in the back).

List 1:
1. minor
2. insight
3. diary
4. iron
5. style
6. trial
7. polite
8. inspire
9. entire
10. entitle

List 2:
1. supplier
2. multiply
3. designer
4. society
5. licence
6. license
7. organisation
8. acclimatise
9. microscope
10. indescribable

List 3:

1.           alibi
2.           beguiling
3.           criterion
4.           deprived
5.           enterprise
6.           idyllic
7.           impropriety
8.           pyrotechnic
9.           unreliable
10.      viability

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