Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Novel study Term 2 - Holes

Good afternoon everyone,
I have mentioned this to our class several times, but I also thought it was important for all parents to know, that our class have dealt with some big issues in our class novel this term. There were very in depth themes such as equality, racism, destiny, family history and true friendship. I am so impressed with how maturely all boys have discussed these issues and voiced their own opinions. It is a true testament to the values they are receiving from home and school.

To make the storyline a bit clearer today, we also drew up a timeline of Zero and Stanley's family to see when events happened and how the families relate. Side discussions that evolved included roman numerals (to name the Stanley's throughout the family), looking in the Atlas at Latvia (where the story begins) all the way to Texas (where the story concludes), whether destiny really exists or if everything is just a coincidence and what it means to have true friends and happiness.

We are finishing off our novel today due to the cancellation of the Cross Country. I am sure your boys would love to tell you all about their opinion of the novel over the weekend.

I hope you all have a very safe long weekend!

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