Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 1, Term 2 Homework

This week is obviously quite a short week! As noted in the previous blog post boys will no longer be receiving slips of paper explaining their homework. They will be required to write their homework into their diaries and will be shown how to do this this morning. This is in preparation for what they are expected to do next year.

DIARY DATES: Note down all events at school and home for your week (you may like to use different colours for home and school). You may also like to schedule your homework into particular nights.
READING: Allocated "Holes" chapters.
WRITING: Select a topic for your Speaker's Challenge. *It would be a great idea to speak to your siblings, parents and friends to help you decide. Please come prepared with what your topic will be by Friday.
MATHS: Times tables practice.
SPELLING: Practice words every night. Test on Friday.

UNIT 13: ai
List 1:
1. restrain
2. entertain
3. flavouring
4. reign
5. reign
6. sleigh
7. estate
8. statement
9. neighbourly
10. campaign

List 2:
1. calculator
2. bouquet
3. elimination
4. rendezvous
5. accommodate
6. acquaintance
7. fascinating
8. maintenance
9. miscellaneous
10. simultaneous

List 3:

1.           assailant
2.           annihilate
3.           contagion
4.           cooperation
5.           correlate
6.           dissuade
7.           depreciating
8.           emaciated
9.           spontaneous
10.      paraphernalia

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