Thursday, June 27, 2013

Diary Dates Week 9 Term 2

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Chapel, Library, Holes DVD

TUES - P.E, no after school training, Free Dress for NAIDOC week (gold coin donation), NAIDOC incursion P4

WED - Chapel Money, Art, last week of Japanese, Japanese homework due

THURS -Library, Interschool Cross Country, no other interschool sport

FRI -  Assembly, desk checks, iPads for Music, Early finish at 12:30 End of the term

Japanese homework only this week!
Catch up on any tasks you have fallen behind in during class time - "I was only 19"

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