Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Diary Dates Week 6 and Homework

I know that I am putting Diary Dates and Homework up a little early this week, but I wanted boys to start thinking carefully about one of their tasks. Parents are certainly able to help with input on the Communism activity and I know it will be a real challenge for some of the boys. Remember anyone can come ask for help or feedback in the mornings when they arrive at school.

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Sports training for Rugby and AFL, Art

TUES -  P.E, Sports training for Hockey and Soccer

WED - Library, Chapel Money, Tales of Times Past visitors

THURS -  P.E, Interschool sport against Wesley

FRI -  Assembly, Homework Due, desk checks, spelling test

WRITING -Complete a cartoon with a slogan reflecting Communism. Use the activity from class and the examples you have been shown as a base point. Remember Communism is often represented as red.
READING - Read a novel of choice at home and have your parents sign your diary each night.
MATHS - Mental Maths Unit 12
SPELLING - Unit 18 - n/nn/kn and n/ng  - extension boys to also complete extension activity sheet (you will need to take your blue spelling book home which has all the extension words in the back).

List 1:
1. knit
2. restraint
3. absence
4. accidental
5. attendance
6. donkey
7. crinkled
8. tangy
9. English
10. tongue

List 2:
1. endurance
2. persistence
3. inflammable
4. independent
5. pneumonia
6. strengthen
7. language
8. distinguish
9. anxiety
10. singular

List 3:

1.           botanical
2.           constituency
3.           cantankerous
4.           inaccessible
5.           indicative
6.           congregation
7.           dinghy
8.           linguistics
9.           sphincter
10.      wrangle

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