Sunday, November 3, 2013

History Assignment - final pieces and short presentations

Congratulations to everyone for handing their History Assignments in today. What an achievement for you all and a good taste of what the Senior School will be expecting of you!

Over the week I will be meeting with boys one on one to go through and complete their final assessment rubrics. I find this process is fantastic because each student understands exactly why they have achieved certain results and are able to talk to me about their own journey. All boys also completed their self assessments today to reflect on their own learning.

Tomorrow boys will be presenting their History Assignments to the class. This isn't a huge process and boys will not be formally marked on how they present, it is more to explain the process of the project and give them a chance to reflect. This is NOT a formal speech as some boys have been panicking about. All I would like boys to discuss in 1-5 mins is:

  • What their topic was and why they chose it
  • What their 5 open ended questions were (can be read from scrapbook Action Plan)
  • How they went about their research and what sources they found particularly helpful
  • Share 2-3 of the most interesting pieces of information from their research and why they were the most interesting to them
  • What their 2+ final pieces are
  • Reflect on how they made their final pieces, what was difficult, what was easy, would they change anything next time, show what they are proud of (might be a page in a scrapbook or read a particular paragraph from a speech), etc.
I've encouraged boys to put together some dot points on palm cards to help them so they won't be flicking back and forth through their final pieces and scrapbooks. They will be able to have a quick run through with a partner at the start of P5 tomorrow before we all present properly.

Although boys will not be showing their final pieces in full detail to the class, they will be showing their full scrapbooks and final pieces to me. I can't wait to see all the amazing work!

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