Friday, November 8, 2013

Finalists for Year 6 History Assignment 6LG

What a wonderful week it has been seeing all the boys hard work on their History Assignments. I was blown away by the interesting facts everyone found out and the effort most boys have put not only into their final pieces, but also their research.

As you know the finalists are picked based on the WHOLE assignment from planning and background knowledge all the way to the final pieces. There were many boys who would have been close to being selected if the assignment was only based on the final outcomes.

The two boys who have been selected achieved outstanding results on their brainstorms, lists of what to find out, action plans, note taking/ background, planning, bibliography and final pieces. On Monday I will get those boys to show the quality of their work to the class as a practice before they show Mr Wright.

The two boys who will be representing 6LG this year as finalists for the History Prize are Jamie and Nicholas. So a huge congratulations to those boys.

Mr Wright will look at the two finalists from each class over the coming week to decide a final, overall winner from Year 6. It is only this winner who receives the History Prize and it often isn't announced until Speech Morning. We wish Jamie and Nicholas all of the best of luck in the process.

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