Sunday, November 10, 2013

Upcoming Science, Maths and S&E tests

Due to me not being here after this week, I wanted to make sure I put up a few resources for some upcoming tests. This week we will be having our Maths test on angles, the other two tests will most likely be next week with Miss Sykes. Boys will also be completing some translation activities, once the content has been covered, for maths in the coming weeks.

For the Maths test on Friday boys will need to be able to do the following things:
-Label angles (without measuring - acute, obtuse, right, straight, reflex, revolution)
-Measure angles using a protractor
-Draw angles using a protractor
-Find the missing angle of a triangle or quadrilateral (triangles = 180, quadrilaterals = 360 in total)
-Find angles based on complementary and supplementary angles

These are all activities boys have been completing in class and should be revising for homework.

Swan River test
We have covered lots of aspects of the Swan River over Term 3 and Term 4. Boys will be given a checklist tonight to help them prepare for their test and we will run through the revision in class this week as well. Boys are able to access videos etc. that have been placed up on the blog throughout the term and do their own research of anything they are unsure of.

Science test
This term we have had discussions and completed investigations all relating to solutions/mixtures and reversible/irreversible changes. Boys will continue to complete some fun activities over the following weeks in this area, but the test will need to be completed earlier due to reports. We have already covered out main experiments and ideas, so all boys have been exposed to what will be on the test.

Boys will also be bringing home a checklist of what they need to know for the test and we will be running through these in class this week as well. Some extra resources to help boys study are linked below: - reversible and irreversible changes video we watched as an introduction. - quizzes on different pages about similar scientific activities as we completed in class or for boys to do some further learning. - great quiz to review what we have learnt - a great test yourself quiz

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