Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fred Hollows Foundation

Today boys were involved in a fundraiser for the Fred Hollows foundation. They were all asked to bring a gold coin donation which would allow them to keep a pair of glasses to show them how it would feed to have cataracts. Each boys completed an obstacle course with these glasses on.

It allowed boys to show empathy for how others less fortunate than them may be feeling with this condition. It also allowed them to see how hard life can be, even the little activities like writing your name or tying your shoe laces, without your full vision.

Thank you to all the boys who helped raise money for the worthy cause. I hope you have some great conversations with your parents and give some activities at home a go with the glasses on as well.

There are lots of fantastic videos online to see how your money is helping others if you would like to look up Fred Hollows.

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