Monday, October 28, 2013

Maternity leave

Just a quick note to all boys and students to let you know that I will be taking maternity this term . Friday 15th November will be my last day before Rachel Sykes will be taking over for the rest of the term. I am hoping that I will be able to attend Speech Morning to call out the boys names, but of course this will depend on when my little boy decides to grace us with his presence.

On my last day I would like to have a class party with the boys to have a proper little Christmas Party / Send off. We will hold this party in P4 and 5 where boys will be asked to bring in a plate of food and we will watch a movie. Boys will write down in their diaries what they will be required to bring.

I want to ensure parents that I am completing the boys reports, which is why I am working up to the date I have chosen. Rachel Sykes is also a big part of the school and went on camp with the boys, so she knows them all very well and I have left her some great activities to finish off the year with our class.

I know this is also quite early, but I do want to thank all parents and boys for such an amazing year. This class is by far one of the most caring and considerate group of boys I have ever taught and I have loved teaching them. Thank you also to all the parents who have made this year just as enjoyable. Your boys have such great attitudes and caring natures due to the way you are all raising them at home.

Thank you once again and I hope to be able to say farewell to you all at some point over the coming weeks.

Lee Geelhoed

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