Wednesday, October 23, 2013

French homework

Today was the boys first French lesson for the year. They focused on learning numbers 1-20 and completed several activities. Due to missing one lesson last week when the class were at camp and reports being due early for teachers since it is only an eight week term, the French teacher has allocated homework to ensure all boys know these numbers before their test.

Many of the boys have already completed up to page 7 of their booklets, but if they haven't they have been asked to complete these pages for homework, including if they were absent. Below is a list of the numbers that boys need to know:

1 - un
2 - deux
3 - trois
4 - quatre
5 - cinq
6 - six
7 - sept
8 - huit
9 - neuf
10 - dix
11 - onze
12 - douze
13 - treize
14 - quatorze
15 - quinze
16 - seize
17 - dix-sept
18 - dix-huit
19 - dix-neuf
20 - vingt
Here are a couple of you tube videos that I found that will help you with how to pronounce the numbers.

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