Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mini excursion

This week all boys from 6LG and 6JL will be heading up to Lake Claremont for lunch and a bit of exploring. We will be analysing the water quality of the area which we will then be able to compare to the water quality down at Kooringal in Term 4. This is a big focus for us in Science this term and boys will be even making their own water filters in the coming weeks.

A note will be coming home tonight regarding what the boys need to bring; sport uniform, small backpack to carry lunch, water bottle and alternative footwear for exploring on the edge of the lake.

We will be leaving at the end of Period 4 and returning to school in Period 6. Any boys who have music lessons during this time have been asked to please speak to their teachers to rearrange well in advance.

Hopefully it will be a beautiful, sunny day for us boys! :)

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