Thursday, August 8, 2013

Diary dates Week 4, Term 3


MONDAY - Chapel, Library, Sport training (AFL, rugby)

TUESDAY - ICAS 8:25am in Sandover, Josie Boyle (Aboriginal Storyteller) P4, Sport training (hockey and soccer), P.E

*ICAS MATHS - Greg, David, Griffin, Charlie, Fletcher, Max, Ollie.S, Nicholas and Andrew.

WEDNESDAY - 1st and 2nd debates, Artshirts, House Shout 8:30am - 9:00am, Chapel money, Jumps: Long 12:55-1:15, Triple 1:20-1:40pm (please be there 5 mins early)

THURSDAY - Mr Hunt's second day, last winter game of interschool sport, Library

FRIDAY - 3rd and 4th debates, Assembly, ipads for Music, reading our Swan River poems to the class, desk checks, spelling test, homework due, High jump 1:20-1:45pm

Maths - Mental Maths Unit 18
Reading - signed x5 in diary
Spelling - Unit 23 (spelling words are now on the tab up the top of blog)
Writing - practising speeches for debates. Third speakers can still practice rebuttal with their parents, siblings or a friend. Remember the more you prepare, the more confident and convincing you will be.

Have a fantastic week boys!!!!

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