Monday, October 28, 2013

Notes from yesterday

You child should have brought home two notes yesterday unless they were absent.

One (the smaller note) is regarding the photo book that parents need to sign and return. These notes were asked to be returned today but I am sure for those boys who were absent yesterday tomorrow will be fine.

The second note is regarding Year 3-6 House Sports Day.
When: Thursday 21st November 12:15pm-2:45pm
What: Modified games of soccer, cricket and T-Ball
Where: Mt Claremont Playing Fields, Fortview Rd Mt Claremont
*There will also be a choice of basketball at the State Basketball Centre

What to bring:
-House shirt
-CCGS sports shorts (no Year 6 board shorts on this day)
-CCGS socks
-Water bottle
-Snacks for the afternoon

Boys will arrive to school at their regular time and will be bused to Mt Claremont from 12 noon. The House Day is expected to finish by approximately 2:45pm.

If you are going to pick your child up from Claremont you MUST sign them out with their CLASS teacher and you MUST be there by the time we get on the buses as we will not be waiting at the oval for parent and we will not be allowing any child to wait behind even with a phone call.

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