Thursday, October 24, 2013

Diary dates and homework

MON - Chapel, Art, iPads for Music, Sports training (basketball, tennis and cricket), History Assignment period 6, photos at 3:15pm (for Music, Athletics and Cross country)

TUES - Maths test on cartesian plane and integers, Sports training (water polo), P.E, History Assignment double period 5 and 6, photos at 3:15pm (for chess, A teams: AFL, Hockey, Soccer and Rugby)

WED - Chapel money, Library, LOTE homework due (French numbers up to Pg 7), iPads for Music

THURS - P.E, Interschool sport,

FRI -Assembly, Homework due, Spelling test, Maths 1 minute test of automatic operations, desk checks, History Assignment P6


Project work - History Assignment (aim to have all your pieces ready by Friday so you only have to prepare your presenations for Week 4)
Spelling - Allocated list for spelling

*Don't forget boys you will all be presenting your History Assignments and completing your self assessment from Monday of Week 4. I can't wait to see all your hard work come together!

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