Wednesday, September 25, 2013

End of the term

Good morning everyone,
I would just like to say a huge thank you to all the parents who came to Learning Journeys yesterday. It's such a magical time to be spending with your son and I was so proud of how all the boys conducted themselves. As you could see from yesterday, they have all come such a huge way this year!

A few little reminder for today:
1. Boys who are running tours please remember your formals.
2. Everyone needs to bring their House Shout costumes to change into at lunchtime.
3. All boys to meet their House coordinators at 1:30pm in the Chapel Forecourt before sitting in allocated house positions within the chapel.
4. In P3 and 4 tomorrow our class have their Music Class Concert with Miss Harford and Mr Brown's class.

Good luck to all boys today for House Shout. Just remember to really enjoy the experience, it really doesn't matter who wins or loses at the end of the day.

Yesterday boys completed their 5 key questions, as well as, their action plans for their History Assignments. Therefore, everyone is ready to make a good start on their research. Don't forget that all research needs to be completed by the end of the holidays, ready for you to start your final pieces at school next term.

In a previous post I had given you lots of ideas of where to collect information from. Remember you need to have a range of sources. E.g. only completing interviews is not a big enough range, just like only using the Internet wouldn't be enough. Don't forget your PRIMARY SOURCE as you must have at least one!

Good luck boys and have a fantastic end of term :)

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