Thursday, September 12, 2013

Diary Dates and Homework Week 9 Term 3

MON - Chapel, Art shirts, ipads for Music 


WED - Chapel money, Yahoos performance at 8:30am in the Chapel, Rehearsal for any boys involved in the Week of the Arts P6, ipads for Library, ipads for Music

THURS - P.E, House Shout practice P5 and 6

FRI - Assembly, Homework due, Spelling test (half of your words from Unit 28 and the other half from Unit 29)


Maths - Mental Maths Unit
Writing - Character strengths personal assessment
Reading - Allocated chapters for Broken Glass 
Spelling - Unit 28 and 29 (first five words from each list allocated)
Other - collect your costume and any props you are going to use for the PMC Amazing Race Day for next week (you can leave these at school)

Here is the link we watched to describe what character strengths are:

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