Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week 4 Diary Dates and Homework

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Art, Chapel, sports training for AFL and Rugby, Speaker's Challenge speeches to start for our class (will run throughout the week).

TUES -  P.E, Sports training for hockey and socce, Holes Chapters up to 35 finished

WED -  Library, Chapel money

THURS -  P.E, Cross Country, Spelling test and homework due

FRI -  MID - TERM BREAK - Please have a safe long weekend and I look forward to seeing all your smiling faces on Tuesday! :)

WRITING - catch up week / speech practice
READING - Allocated Chapters of HOLES (some are being read in classtime as well)
MATHS - Unit 11 Mental Maths
SPELLING - Unit 16 - m / mm / mb, extension boys do related extension sheet

List 1:
1. stomach
2. commonly
3. camera
4. complaint
5. undamaged
6. examine
7. extremely
8. majority
9. solemnly
10. immense

List 2:
1. recommence
2. competition
3. material
4. accompanied
5. menagerie
6. preliminary
7. resemblance
8. embarrassment
9. unmentionable
10. combustion

List 3:

1.           Abominable
2.           Accomplish
3.           Anonymous
4.           Compatible
5.           Embellishment
6.           Epidemic
7.           Implements
8.           Masquerade
9.           Masculine
10.      pessimism

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