Sunday, May 12, 2013

Diary dates Week 2 Term 2

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)


MON - Boys should of read to the end of Ch 10 for HOLES, Art shirts, Common Assessment Writing (exposition), Sport training for AFL and Rugby

TUES - Boys who do AFL have an excursion with Mr Leckie, Boys need to bring their planning sheets for their Speaker's Challenge into class to help start writing their speeches (the rest is to be done for homework), P.E (P5 instead of 2 due to AFL excursion), NAPLAN for Year 3 and 5,  Sport training for Hockey and Soccer

WED - Chapel Money, NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

THURS - Inter school sport (Scotch), P.E, STARS Cause and effect activity, NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

FRI - All homework due except HOLES Chapters, Assembly, Spelling test and new words

HOMEWORK: (remember boys will not be given slips of paper anymore with homework)
READING: Holes Chap 20
WRITING: Speech finished
MATHS: Mental Maths Ch 9
SPELLING: Weekly word (extension boys have extension sheet)
DIARY DATES: Any boys who have missed diary dates or not brought their diary on the day will be expected to complete their diary dates for homework.

COMING UP: Excursion Monday to Fremantle of Week 3, Book Week next week

SPELLING WORDS: Unit 14 l/ll
List 1
1. vessel
2. lonely
3. cleverly
4. related
5. conclude
6. themselves
7. liquor
8. national
9. practical
10. principal

List 2
1. relatively
2. illustrated
3. elaborately
4. regional
5. religious
6. officially
7. exploration
8. entitlement
9. enveloped
10. miscellaneous

List 3

1.           agility
2.           available
3.           colonel
4.           demolition
5.           dishevelled
6.           emphatically
7.           illegible
8.           lenient
9.           lieutenant
10.      paralysis

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