Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Homework week 9

Due to the short week our homework has been adjusted a bit.

WRITING - boys will further adjust and edit their exposition from last week and create a good copy to display in the classroom.

READING - read every night signed in diary

SPELLING - this will go over week 9 and 10 with a test early in Week 10. Extension spelling sheet for extension boys and spelling practice homework book for everyone to complete (including parent test).

MATHS - Next unit in book.

Spelling words - Unit 11 u/o

List 1:
1. honey
2. touching
3. jungle
4. shrunk
5. worry
6. worried
7. umbrella
8. discussed
9. disgust
10. stomach

List 2:
1. publication
2. hurriedly
3. thoroughly
4. combustible
5. occurrence
6. accompany
7. governor
8. government
9. introduction
10. indestructible

List 3:
1. bludgeon
2. brusque
3. budgerigar
4. fluctuating
5. malfunction
6. repugnant
7. repulsive
8. scrumptious
9. surreptitious
10. sustenance

Have a happy and safe Easter everyone!

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