Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Homework Week 8


WRITING – In your English books writes an exposition about whether Australia should change their flag. Use your notes from the video we watched on BTN. Remember you should have the following things:
·       Introduction (stating what the topic is and clearly what side you are on)
·       2-3 paragraphs (each with a different argument. Think about expanding your ideas with rhetorical questions, examples, quotes, etc.)
·       Conclusion (restating the argument and side you are on. Also summarising your points by relisting main arguments from each paragraph).
*Do not use I or me in your writing. Also aim for high modality words such as ‘should’ and ‘will’ instead of low modality such as ‘maybe’ or ‘could be’.

READING – read every night written and signed in your diary

MATHS – Unit 5, same levels as last week

SPELLING: Practice weekly words, mark off in your homework book and complete a parent test. Extension boys complete extension spelling sheet. Spelling test will be on Thursday this week due to the Easter break!

SPELLING WORDS: Unit 10 g/gg

List 1:
1. greedy
2. eagle
3. group
4. entangle
5. signalled
6. grieve
7. regardless
8. agreement
9. grammar
10. engaging

List 2:
1. gorgeous
2. catalogue
3. disorganised
4. mortgage
5. guarantee
6. anguish
7. distinguish
8. extinguish
9. magnificence
10. dialogue

1. angular
2. antagonist
3. gauge
4. ghetto
5. glamerous
6. guarantor
7. igneous
8. integration
9. bedraggled
10. rogue


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