Sunday, February 17, 2013

Spelling and homework Wk 3

Homework for this week will be similar to the past couple of weeks.

WRITING - last week to write and prepare speech on Australian Prime Minister.
*Boys will be drawn out of a hat from Monday and be expected to present their speech on any given day.

READING - Up to the end of Chapter 9 of "The boy in the dress" by Monday. Free choice reading for a minimum of 10 minutes each day.

MATHS - Mental Maths Unit 1 completed and corrected.
Level 1 - first two columns and then times table practice
Level 2 - first three columns and then times table practice
Level 3 - all columns for unit 1

SPELLING - Practice weekly words every night and then complete parent test on Thursday night. Extension (List 3) boys are also expected to complete worksheet based on their words.

List 1:
1. insect
2. pencil
3. petrol
4. breath
5. select
6. recess
7. error
8. recipe
9. envelop
10. envelope

List 2:
1. president
2. reference
3. medicine
4. necessary
5. incessant
6. evidence
7. expensive
8. dispensary
9. especially
10. conscientious

List 3:
1. Assessment
2. Census
3. Condescending
4. Consensus
5. Effervescent
6. Incidentally
7. Inevitable
8. Necessarily
9. Predecessor
10. Reminisce

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