Thursday, February 28, 2013

Diary Dates Week 5

Due to today being a half day with the long weekend, our class were unable to complete their diary dates at school. I encourage all boys to fill in their own personal diary dates such as sport training and music lessons. Below are the main dates for this week:

MON - Public holiday, no school!

TUES - Julian presenting his Prime Minister speech, Unit 7 Spelling Test (to catch up from Friday), iPad deployment in P1 for our class, working on our Government Posters, P.E

WED - Chapel money, library

THURS - Prep JPSSA Interschool Swimming Carnival, P.E

FRI - Homework due, Assembly

Unfortunately I will be away from Tuesday - Friday attending a funeral but Mrs Allitt will be in our classroom and knows all the boys, as well as our class routines.

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