Monday, November 11, 2013

Speech Morning Poem

For those boys who have had trouble accessing the poem for speech morning I have copied and pasted it below. No excuses boys!!!!

6 LG Pre Primary Poem

If you go down to the school today
You’re in for a big surprise,
Mums and dads with their bright young son
Few with some tears in their eyes.

For every prep there ever there was,
Is gathered here together because,
Today’s the day, the Pre Primaries
Go to Christ Church.

Nap time for everyone,
We’ve all had so much fun, chasing each other we love to run.
Watch us walking hand in hand,
And by the end of lunch our shoes are always full of sand (sorry mum!)

Asking questions all day long,
We learn things best when they are simple and in song!.
Ten to three their mummies and daddies will
Take their home to bed,
Because their tired little Pre- Primaries.

Instrumental solo- boys play/act

Every boy in the class will try,
His very best to do well,
Cutting and glueing and letter and more,
We even learn how to spell!
For each of us, we love this great place,
We learn and laugh a smile on our face,
Today's the day the pre primaries say “THANKS” to Christ Church.

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