Thursday, November 14, 2013

Christmas Party

Thank you so much to all the boys and parents who came to our Christmas Class Party today. The present that I received was unbelievably gorgeous and I will treasure it forever.

I hope you all have a wonderful end to the year and hopefully I will be able to see you at Speech Morning (fingers crossed)! I will also try to put a picture of our little boy up here on the blog when he arrives for the boys to be able to see.

Merry Christmas!

From Mrs Geelhoed

Diary Dates Week 6 Term 4

MON - Chapel, Library, Sports training (basketball, tennis and cricket), S&E Test (Swan River)

TUES - P.E, Water polo training. Science Test (Mixtures and solutions), Orientation into the Senior School Library P4 (pencil)

WED - Chapel money, Art, LOTE (French test)

THURS - Library, House Sport, Homework due, Spelling test

FRI -Orientation Day


Maths - Mental Maths Unit 21
Reading - Read every night signed in diary 
Spelling - Half Unit 36 / Half Unit 12
French - study greetings, classroom sayings, numbers 1-100

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Uniform for Friday 15th

Mr Wright has just notified us that the office will be sending out an SMS to parents to let them know that due to the weather tomorrow boys will not have to wear their formals. Stripes will be fine for tomorrow even though we have assembly.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A message from Mr Leckie - P.E

During week 7 the year 4 – 6 PE classes will have Water Polo as their lessons. Could you please remind all boys to bring their bathers/change of clothes etc for this week. Board shorts/school shorts are not permitted, they must be in their school speedos.

Book sale


In support of the University Branch "The Summer Sale"

WHEN: Sunday 24th November 2013 10am - 4pm

WHERE: UWA Book Depot (opposite the CSIRO and diagonal to the Perry Lakes stadium redevelopment). Save the Children signs displayed on the fence.

WHAT: A huge number of pre-loved books in popular and specialist categories, also maps, CDs, DVDs and sheet music will be on sale at bargain prices.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Speech Morning Poem

For those boys who have had trouble accessing the poem for speech morning I have copied and pasted it below. No excuses boys!!!!

6 LG Pre Primary Poem

If you go down to the school today
You’re in for a big surprise,
Mums and dads with their bright young son
Few with some tears in their eyes.

For every prep there ever there was,
Is gathered here together because,
Today’s the day, the Pre Primaries
Go to Christ Church.

Nap time for everyone,
We’ve all had so much fun, chasing each other we love to run.
Watch us walking hand in hand,
And by the end of lunch our shoes are always full of sand (sorry mum!)

Asking questions all day long,
We learn things best when they are simple and in song!.
Ten to three their mummies and daddies will
Take their home to bed,
Because their tired little Pre- Primaries.

Instrumental solo- boys play/act

Every boy in the class will try,
His very best to do well,
Cutting and glueing and letter and more,
We even learn how to spell!
For each of us, we love this great place,
We learn and laugh a smile on our face,
Today's the day the pre primaries say “THANKS” to Christ Church.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Upcoming Science, Maths and S&E tests

Due to me not being here after this week, I wanted to make sure I put up a few resources for some upcoming tests. This week we will be having our Maths test on angles, the other two tests will most likely be next week with Miss Sykes. Boys will also be completing some translation activities, once the content has been covered, for maths in the coming weeks.

For the Maths test on Friday boys will need to be able to do the following things:
-Label angles (without measuring - acute, obtuse, right, straight, reflex, revolution)
-Measure angles using a protractor
-Draw angles using a protractor
-Find the missing angle of a triangle or quadrilateral (triangles = 180, quadrilaterals = 360 in total)
-Find angles based on complementary and supplementary angles

These are all activities boys have been completing in class and should be revising for homework.

Swan River test
We have covered lots of aspects of the Swan River over Term 3 and Term 4. Boys will be given a checklist tonight to help them prepare for their test and we will run through the revision in class this week as well. Boys are able to access videos etc. that have been placed up on the blog throughout the term and do their own research of anything they are unsure of.

Science test
This term we have had discussions and completed investigations all relating to solutions/mixtures and reversible/irreversible changes. Boys will continue to complete some fun activities over the following weeks in this area, but the test will need to be completed earlier due to reports. We have already covered out main experiments and ideas, so all boys have been exposed to what will be on the test.

Boys will also be bringing home a checklist of what they need to know for the test and we will be running through these in class this week as well. Some extra resources to help boys study are linked below: - reversible and irreversible changes video we watched as an introduction. - quizzes on different pages about similar scientific activities as we completed in class or for boys to do some further learning. - great quiz to review what we have learnt - a great test yourself quiz

Year 6 Speec Morning Poem - homework

Above is the link that boys will need to access for the Year 6 poem that they are expected to have memorised by next Wednesday. Miss Harford advised this morning, that all boys practice at least 10 minutes a night as part of their reading homework. It's very important you take upon this responsibility yourselves boys, we will do some practices in class if we have time over this week.

Australian Sports Camps - Summer Programs 2013/2014

WA / SA Sports Camps will be running again during the holidays. It is a chance to learn and develop your skills with a terrific three day coaching experience. The coaches are supported by guest appearances from top level players from State or National teams. The new 2013 senior program is designed for 13 to 17 year old players to run in conjunction with their stars program for 6 to 12 year olds.

The camps currently available are:

CCGS - 18th-20th December
Justin Langer Cricket Camp, Hale School, Wembley Downs - 21st-23rd Jan

CCGS - 18th-20th December

CCGS Playing Fields, Mt Claremont - 18th-20th December

For more information or to book a place visit or call 1300 914 368.

Christmas Giving

During Week 5 (this week), from Monday 11th to Thursday 14th November, Forrest boys are collecting canned meals for Foodbank to support people in need. Please kindly donate the following canned meals:
-canned fruits
-canned vegetables
-meals in a can
-canned soup
-canned meats

Forrest boys will be collecting items at the roundabout or from your classroom.

**The Forrest boys have already been given a schedule of when they will be helping from Miss Stone last week.

A raffle will also be held to raise money for the Anglicare Christmas Giving. Tickets will be sold in the Undercroft for a chance to win one of 3 hampers of goodies. 1 ticket for $2 or 3 tickets for $5. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 15th November at Assembly, so you only have a week to purchase your tickets.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Finalists for Year 6 History Assignment 6LG

What a wonderful week it has been seeing all the boys hard work on their History Assignments. I was blown away by the interesting facts everyone found out and the effort most boys have put not only into their final pieces, but also their research.

As you know the finalists are picked based on the WHOLE assignment from planning and background knowledge all the way to the final pieces. There were many boys who would have been close to being selected if the assignment was only based on the final outcomes.

The two boys who have been selected achieved outstanding results on their brainstorms, lists of what to find out, action plans, note taking/ background, planning, bibliography and final pieces. On Monday I will get those boys to show the quality of their work to the class as a practice before they show Mr Wright.

The two boys who will be representing 6LG this year as finalists for the History Prize are Jamie and Nicholas. So a huge congratulations to those boys.

Mr Wright will look at the two finalists from each class over the coming week to decide a final, overall winner from Year 6. It is only this winner who receives the History Prize and it often isn't announced until Speech Morning. We wish Jamie and Nicholas all of the best of luck in the process.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Diary Dates Week 5, Term 4

MON - Chapel, Art, iPads for Music, Sports training (basketball, tennis and cricket), Masterminds in 5SM, Lachy's Birthday

TUES -  Sports training (water polo), P.E,

WED - Chapel money, Library, LOTE, iPads for Music

THURS - P.E, Interschool sport,

FRI -Assembly, Homework due, Spelling test, Maths test on angles, desk checks, Mrs Geelhoed's final day / class party

Saturday - Angus's Birthday!


Maths - Prepare for maths test Friday
Spelling - Allocated list for spelling
Reading - every night signed in diary
Other - collect all resources for for Amazing Race / plate of food for Friday

Monday, November 4, 2013

Formal photos for tomorrow

A few boys have been selected from our class to participate in formal photos for sport tomorrow. There were only 4 boys per sport selected and those boys will need to bring their uniforms to change into.

P3 - Ollie S for swimming with bathers and goggles

P4 - Angus and Alex for basketball with sports uniform and basketball boots

P5 - Louis for tennis with sports uniform, tennis racket and cap

Please don't forget boys as you won't be with me during these Periods due to ART.

Sausage sizzle tomorrow

There will be a sausage sizzle to raise funds for the Cambodian Children's Fund tomorrow
- Wed 6 Nov
- 12.45 outside cafeteria area (Senior School)
- $2 sausage, $2 can of drink

Due to the fundraiser being in the Senior School, only Year 5 and 6 boys have been invited to participate. They will need to promptly go to the Canteen during eating time and once they have received their sausage will need to quickly return to the Prep School.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

History Assignment - final pieces and short presentations

Congratulations to everyone for handing their History Assignments in today. What an achievement for you all and a good taste of what the Senior School will be expecting of you!

Over the week I will be meeting with boys one on one to go through and complete their final assessment rubrics. I find this process is fantastic because each student understands exactly why they have achieved certain results and are able to talk to me about their own journey. All boys also completed their self assessments today to reflect on their own learning.

Tomorrow boys will be presenting their History Assignments to the class. This isn't a huge process and boys will not be formally marked on how they present, it is more to explain the process of the project and give them a chance to reflect. This is NOT a formal speech as some boys have been panicking about. All I would like boys to discuss in 1-5 mins is:

  • What their topic was and why they chose it
  • What their 5 open ended questions were (can be read from scrapbook Action Plan)
  • How they went about their research and what sources they found particularly helpful
  • Share 2-3 of the most interesting pieces of information from their research and why they were the most interesting to them
  • What their 2+ final pieces are
  • Reflect on how they made their final pieces, what was difficult, what was easy, would they change anything next time, show what they are proud of (might be a page in a scrapbook or read a particular paragraph from a speech), etc.
I've encouraged boys to put together some dot points on palm cards to help them so they won't be flicking back and forth through their final pieces and scrapbooks. They will be able to have a quick run through with a partner at the start of P5 tomorrow before we all present properly.

Although boys will not be showing their final pieces in full detail to the class, they will be showing their full scrapbooks and final pieces to me. I can't wait to see all the amazing work!