Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Welcome back everyone!

Welcome back to Term 3 everyone! It is going to be another packed term. We have Week of the Arts, Debates, the Father Son Breakfast, Learning Journeys, Year 6 play, plus lots more coming up (all of which are in the Student Diary or will come up in the newsletters).

Don't forget that Winter sport only goes for part of the term before we start athletics. Training for athletics will be on a Tuesday afternoon as noted in the student diaries.

Our focus for this term will be the Swan River for Geography, Science and S&E. We will be investigating tributaries, looking at introduced species, learning about eutrophication, exploring the health of waterways, constructing water filters, writing poetry, investigating aboriginal names for rivers, mapping our waterways, investigating catchments, studying food chains and more. There are lots of really interesting, hands on activities coming up that I know the boys will just love!

Homework will start this week slowly with boys practising their automatic response skills for short addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in preparation for our review next week. Boys may use mathletics or get parents/friends/siblings to ask them questions. They will also be given an editing sheet today to complete as homework. We have been using these sheets last term to try practice our writing skills so all boys know how to complete the sheets. As always all boys are expected to be reading on top of their homework every night and homework will be due Friday.

*Our class novel won't be starting until around Week 5 of this term and boys will be given their own copy of the book again. Spelling words will be given to boys on Friday to start our first unit next week.

For English we are continuing our comprehension work looking at word meaning in context, drawing conclusions and making inferences, as well as distinguishing fact and opinion. We will be using STARS, guided reading, our class novel and other reading materials to consolidate these skills and review skills we have covered in previous terms.

In Writing we are looking at poetry to start with, before moving into debates. Students will be doing a lot of the work in the class for debates, but there will be expectations of them completing research for their team or completing their speeches at home if need be. This will be catered into their writing section of their homework and will not be on top as this will overload the boys. We will also be looking at writing another information report and explanation during Term 3 and 4.

*As part of debating three boys will be selected to form a team to debate against a team of three fathers after the special breakfast later in the term. If there are any Dads out there who may be interested please let me know as it will be first in best dressed. Our Father Son debate last year was absolutely hilarious and is always a hit with the boys.

In Maths boys will be continuing to look at measurement in greater detail (volume, capacity, conversions), explore 2D and 3D shapes, measure and draw angles, reading time and durations, exploring chance and data and revising basic number operations covered previously in the year.

On a personal note, it was so lovely to see all the boys smiling faces this morning. We have such a positive, friendly class and I know they all came up in the best possible attitudes today. A lot of boys also requested to know whether I was having a boy or girl this morning and the answer is.......... a boy! Thank you once again for all the kind comments, wishes and thoughts from parents and boys alike.

Let's have a fantastic term everyone!

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