Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homework Week 7

Hi everyone,
I am putting this up a bit early to give boys time to think about words they can use for their writing next week.


WRITING – this week you are going to create your own shape poem about sailing. A shape poem is a poem with lots of ADJECTIVES to describe something. Your poem should also take on the shape of the topic. E.g. A poem about a tree.
Think about brainstorming a list of words to describe sailing or vocabulary you are learning throughout the week. Then put those words into descriptive sentences in the shape of a wave, sailboat, sailor, etc. 
*Boys can also create a shape poem about a topic of their choice if they finish this task early.


READING – read every night written and signed in your diary

MATHS – Unit 4, same levels as last week

SPELLING: Practice weekly words, mark off in your homework book and complete a parent test. Extension boys complete extension spelling sheet.

List 1:
1. origin
2. office
3. offering
4. stronger
5. promise
6. properly
7. honestly
8. forestry
9. popular
10. occupy

List 2:
1. conference
2. occupation
3. population
4. honourable
5. foreign
6. sovereign
7. restaurant
8. archaeology
9. impromptu
10. rhinoceros

List 3: 
1. aquatic
2. concentration
3. contribution
4. dominant
5. meteorologist
6. modification
7. obstacles
8. opposition
9. optimistic
10. quadruple

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