Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Homework week 9

Due to the short week our homework has been adjusted a bit.

WRITING - boys will further adjust and edit their exposition from last week and create a good copy to display in the classroom.

READING - read every night signed in diary

SPELLING - this will go over week 9 and 10 with a test early in Week 10. Extension spelling sheet for extension boys and spelling practice homework book for everyone to complete (including parent test).

MATHS - Next unit in book.

Spelling words - Unit 11 u/o

List 1:
1. honey
2. touching
3. jungle
4. shrunk
5. worry
6. worried
7. umbrella
8. discussed
9. disgust
10. stomach

List 2:
1. publication
2. hurriedly
3. thoroughly
4. combustible
5. occurrence
6. accompany
7. governor
8. government
9. introduction
10. indestructible

List 3:
1. bludgeon
2. brusque
3. budgerigar
4. fluctuating
5. malfunction
6. repugnant
7. repulsive
8. scrumptious
9. surreptitious
10. sustenance

Have a happy and safe Easter everyone!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Writing and Canberra

In class we have been focusing on writing explanations. Boys completed a large assignment on the Australian Government with a partner using their explanation writing skills. Yesterday boys finalised their explanation writing in a Common Assessment Writing task all about sailing. This was conducted in a similar fashion to the NAPLAN testing. Boys were given 5 minutes for planning, 90 minutes to write and 5 minutes to edit.

Our next text type will be expositions. All boys should be very familiar with this text type due to their NAPLAN testing last year. Boys have been asked to write their own expositions based on the 'Flag debate' as part of their homework. This is going to allow me to see where our class sits already with their knowledge of how to structure a persuasive piece of writing.

Although we will be learning about our text types in class, I have put a link below with some easy to read resources if anyone is getting stuck with their writing at home.

Over the coming weeks leading up to Canberra, we will be reading, practising and writing our own persuasive pieces. Boys will also be practising note taking with informational texts about Canberra, the Australian Government and learning some mapping skills of Canberra.

On a side note, we still have lots of missing Canberra forms for camp. If you could please return them ASAP so we can put your child's details on the system we would really appreciate it.

Only a few more weeks!

Flag debate

As part of an S&E lesson last week, our class watched a video from Behind The News titled "Flag debate". In the video they discuss different views of our Australian flag and plans for changes in the future for sporting groups.

The boys then formed opinion lines, standing either for or against statements/questions that I posed relating to the video. Using paddle pop sticks, boys were selected at random to explain why they had positioned themselves in certain places for those statements.

It was a fantastic activity that encouraged boys not only to think critically and form their own opinions, but also to expand on their answers to explain WHY their opinion or position was the way it was. This is a great skill for boys to learn in the lead up to High School and something we will be using further this year.

I can't wait to see how boys have expanded their ideas in their exposition writing pieces this week!

Below is the link to the video if any parents or boys would like to watch it. It might even help those boys who are stuck on their writing to gain some ideas!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reminder about Thursday

Just a reminder to everyone that Thursday is still classified as a school day and we will be finishing off quite a bit of work.

If your child is going to be away due to an extra long weekend please notify the school so they are able to add the information to our records and let me know since I may need to send extra work to be completed by the Tuesday home with you.

Thanks for your cooperation and have a safe Easter!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Diary dates Week 8

MON - Sport training, Library


WED - Excursion to Parliament House, double session of LOTE (one period in the Senior School)

THURS - Spelling test (due to no school Friday), Assembly P6

FRI - Good Friday (no school)

*All homework except Spelling test can be due after the Easter Long weekend.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sailing photos

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this link will work or not. If it doesn't all boys were emailed the link a couple of times so you will be able to acess the photos from their email accounts.

There have been a lot of photos uploaded this week and there will be more to come today.

Homework Week 8


WRITING – In your English books writes an exposition about whether Australia should change their flag. Use your notes from the video we watched on BTN. Remember you should have the following things:
·       Introduction (stating what the topic is and clearly what side you are on)
·       2-3 paragraphs (each with a different argument. Think about expanding your ideas with rhetorical questions, examples, quotes, etc.)
·       Conclusion (restating the argument and side you are on. Also summarising your points by relisting main arguments from each paragraph).
*Do not use I or me in your writing. Also aim for high modality words such as ‘should’ and ‘will’ instead of low modality such as ‘maybe’ or ‘could be’.

READING – read every night written and signed in your diary

MATHS – Unit 5, same levels as last week

SPELLING: Practice weekly words, mark off in your homework book and complete a parent test. Extension boys complete extension spelling sheet. Spelling test will be on Thursday this week due to the Easter break!

SPELLING WORDS: Unit 10 g/gg

List 1:
1. greedy
2. eagle
3. group
4. entangle
5. signalled
6. grieve
7. regardless
8. agreement
9. grammar
10. engaging

List 2:
1. gorgeous
2. catalogue
3. disorganised
4. mortgage
5. guarantee
6. anguish
7. distinguish
8. extinguish
9. magnificence
10. dialogue

1. angular
2. antagonist
3. gauge
4. ghetto
5. glamerous
6. guarantor
7. igneous
8. integration
9. bedraggled
10. rogue


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sailing update

Hi everyone,
the boys have all made a great start to sailing this week. They are already zipping around the bay and completed a capsize. There has been some fantastic group work happening and boys stepping in to help each other.

On a side note, some boys are arriving at Freshwater Bay Yacht Club at 8:15am and running around or swimming. This is a bit of a concern as no teachers are present until Mr Fagan arrives which can vary a bit in time. If your child is at the Yacht club before 8:30am please wait with them until a teacher arrives to ensure their safety.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sailing clothing

A few boys have been asking what to wear for sailing next week. They can wear boardies, a t-shirt/rashy and bathers underneath. Boys must wear shoes - thongs or crocs are fine.

After sailing ALL boys must change into their SPORTS uniform. No boy is to return to school in their boardies or free dress.

I know you are all going to have such a fabulous time!

See you at Freshwater Bay Yacht Club Monday morning.

Assembly Item

Congratulations of a fantastic performance today boys. You should all be very proud!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homework Week 7

Hi everyone,
I am putting this up a bit early to give boys time to think about words they can use for their writing next week.


WRITING – this week you are going to create your own shape poem about sailing. A shape poem is a poem with lots of ADJECTIVES to describe something. Your poem should also take on the shape of the topic. E.g. A poem about a tree.
Think about brainstorming a list of words to describe sailing or vocabulary you are learning throughout the week. Then put those words into descriptive sentences in the shape of a wave, sailboat, sailor, etc. 
*Boys can also create a shape poem about a topic of their choice if they finish this task early.


READING – read every night written and signed in your diary

MATHS – Unit 4, same levels as last week

SPELLING: Practice weekly words, mark off in your homework book and complete a parent test. Extension boys complete extension spelling sheet.

List 1:
1. origin
2. office
3. offering
4. stronger
5. promise
6. properly
7. honestly
8. forestry
9. popular
10. occupy

List 2:
1. conference
2. occupation
3. population
4. honourable
5. foreign
6. sovereign
7. restaurant
8. archaeology
9. impromptu
10. rhinoceros

List 3: 
1. aquatic
2. concentration
3. contribution
4. dominant
5. meteorologist
6. modification
7. obstacles
8. opposition
9. optimistic
10. quadruple

Monday, March 11, 2013

Congratulations Campbell!

A massive congratulations to Campbell who has been selected to play baseball in a Little League competition over Easter. We all wish you the absolute best Campbell!


Next week our class will be sailing at the Freshwater Bay Yacht Club MON - THURS. If your child is not able to make it there on their own (boys should be arriving around 8:15am to the yacht club ready to start at 8:30am) then please notify me so I know numbers for the mini bus which will be leaving school. Boys who are catching the mini bus must be at school by 8am and meet near the cricket nets on the oval.

We will be returning by large bus to school around the start of lunch each day, except Thursday when we will return earlier for inter school sport.

It will still be warm next week so please remember sunscreen and all boys MUST wear shoes!

Accessing student email

You can access your student email anytime and from anywhere by:
  1. Open a web browser (Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome)
  2. Go to
  3. Log in with your student username and password
  4. You can now send/receive emails using the web interface

Diary Dates Week 6

MON - Chapel, sports training, library
TUES - P.E, dress rehearsal for item assembly
WED - Art, Chapel money / Money for World's Greatest Shave
THURS - Interschool sport, Library
FRI - Our class's Item Assembly, Parent morning tea after assembly, spelling test, Homework due, World's Greatest Shave (Andrew)

Homework for this week:

WRITING - write half a page explaining how an iPad works. Remember to include an introduction (explaining what an iPad is), a main paragraph (steps of how to use it and what it can do) and then finally a conclusion (summarising why an iPad can be useful).
*Remember to use main idea sentences for each paragraph.

READING - read every night, parent signature in the diary

SPELLING - Practice weekly words every night with a parent test on Thursday before the test. Extension boys to also complete extension spelling sheet.

MATHS - times tables practice. Mental Maths Unit 3 - based on same levels are previous week. Level 1 complete first two columns and bottom of page, Level 2 complete first three columns and bottom of page, Level 3 complete whole unit.

*Don't forget to find some pictures for your government posters to stick on and remember to write down the websites / resources you have found them for your bibliography.

List 1:
1. suffer
2. traffic
3. effort
4. coffee
5. relief
6. fertile
7. fancier
8. officer
9. official
10. difficult

List 2:
1. preference
2. superficial
3. beneficial
4. sacrificial
5. sufficiently
6. proficiency
7. photographer
8. geography
9. physician
10. fluorescent

List 3 - extension
1. Amphibious
2. catastrophe
3. efficacy
4. foliage
5. frequency
6. frivolous
7. influential
8. pamphlet
9. phenomenon
10. philosophy

Please check the newsletter

Hi everyone,
this is just a friendly reminder that the school is trying to use less paper and is therefore attaching notices to links on the Newsletter which is sent out via email. It is really important you check the newsletter and download then print any notes relating to your child.

At the moment boys are expected to fill in their Winter Sport selections before next Monday. You will need to download, print, fill in and return their notes to school.