Thursday, June 27, 2013

Diary Dates Week 9 Term 2

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Chapel, Library, Holes DVD

TUES - P.E, no after school training, Free Dress for NAIDOC week (gold coin donation), NAIDOC incursion P4

WED - Chapel Money, Art, last week of Japanese, Japanese homework due

THURS -Library, Interschool Cross Country, no other interschool sport

FRI -  Assembly, desk checks, iPads for Music, Early finish at 12:30 End of the term

Japanese homework only this week!
Catch up on any tasks you have fallen behind in during class time - "I was only 19"

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Volcano posters

I was blown away by the creativity boys showed on their Volcano posters for homework that were due Monday. Some boys really went above and beyond with the effort they put in. Unfortunately some boys misinterpreted what pictures they needed to include but I was impressed with the work that was submitted. Below are some of the fantastic posters that boys submitted.

Japanese Homework

During Japanese today the boys' teacher asked them to complete Pg18 of their booklets for homework. This will be due next Wednesday, which is their last session on Japanese this year.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Diary dates Week 8 Term 2

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Last week of sports training rugby and AFL, Art, P1 and 2 IPSHA sound check, 11:30-1:45 IPSHA Practice, Chapel, Volcano poster is due, Science test (vocab and content), end of term spelling test

TUES - Last week of sports training hockey and soccer, P.E, Yahoos, 9-12:45 IPSHA Practice, Mick O'Sullivan talk, SOSE test (vocab and content)

WED - Chapel Money, Library, iPad for Music,

THURS - Sport against Hale (last week of Sport), P.E, No Senior Choir, Yahoos

FRI - Homework due, Assembly, desk checks

READING - 5 x nights signed in diary
WRITING - 1-2 paragraphs describing in detail your favourite place in your house. Think about senses; sight, smell, taste, feel and sound. *Don't start all sentences with the same words!
MATHS - Unit 14 Mental Maths - needs to be corrected as well.
SPELLING -no spelling homework

Well done to all the boys who competed in the Speaker's Challenge today. Griffin, Nicholas and Jack you all did such an amazing job!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Music - War

Today in class the boys were discussing how a lot of songs relate to the Vietnam War or other wars. We have been analysing "I was only 19" in class as part of our SOSE Unit. Today we looked at a few other songs that I have listed below. Many boys recognised the songs but had no idea what the lyrics were about. This may be a great decision to have with your child tonight, or even let them listen to some songs you know of.

Have a great week everyone!

Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Imagine - John Lennon (we also discussed Merry Xmas, War is over)

For what it's worth - Buffalo Springstein

War, what is it good for? - Edwin Starr

Born in the USA - Bruce Springstein

Eve of destruction - Barry McGuire

Orange crush - R.E.M

Blowing in the wind - Bob Dylan

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Writing homework

Today our class watched a video about volcanoes. As part of their homework due MONDAY, not Friday, is a Volcano poster. They have been given background information to help with their short explanations. On their volcano posters boys need to include:

1. Their name on the back
2. A creative, colourful title
3. A labelled cross section of a volcano
4. The different activity classifications of Volcanoes and what they mean. E.g. extinct, dormant, intermittent, active
5. The different types of volcanoes.*Only need to include the three from the note taking sheet. E.g. shield, cinder and composite.

Please remember not to print and stick onto your sheets. Everything should be hand drawn. This is more of a visual activity but you must also include short explanations (1-2 sentences) for some sections in your own words.

Be creative boys and have fun with it! Here are some ideas below to get you started!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Diary dates and homework Week 7

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Sports training rugby and AFL, Library, lunchtime choir practice

TUES - Sports training hockey and soccer, P.E, Yahoos, ICAS Spelling competition in the Sandover 8.30am, Mick O'Sullivan talk

WED - Double art, 12.15 - class photos, BLAZER and formal for photos, All music ensembles for performance practice P5 and P6, Chapel Money

THURS - Sport against Guildford, Library, Senior Choir and Yahoos, All music ensembles practice P2 and P3, ICAS Writing in the Sandover 8:30am

FRI - Speaker's Challenge in the Chapel 1:30pm, Music, homework due, Assembly, desk checks, spelling test

READING - 5 x nights signed in diary
WRITING - Volcano poster (given out on Monday)
MATHS - Unit 13 Mental Maths
SPELLING - Unit 19 weekly practice signed off. Extension boys complete extension homework sheet.

List 1:
1. radio
2. wrote
3. coastal
4. donate
5. motel
6. ocean
7. pianos
8. known
9. envelope
10. studio

List 2:
1. supposedly
2. coordinate
3. appropriate
4. association
5. approachable
6. noticeable
7. petroleum
8. casserole
9. cooperation
10. groceries
List 3:

1.           atrocious
2.           coincidence
3.           idiosyncrasy
4.           incognito
5.           innuendo
6.           jovial
7.           parsimonious
8.           prohibitive
9.           sociable
10.      stoicism

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Maths revision - graphing

Today in class we went through our 'I can do' checklists for Maths, as well as our Maths vocabulary. Based on these sheets and our activities on graphing throughout the term, we created a brainstorm of terms, strategies and activities we needed to review for our upcoming test. Below are some of the things our class came up with:

Types of graphs and what they are used for:
Each graph below has a visual example, the name for the type of graph and a definition of what they are used for decided by our class.

This is a bar graph. We use bar graphs to compare more than one thing in the same category. E.g. eye colours - blue, green, brown, hazel, or favourite sports - hockey, basketball, soccer, tennis. We usually have a scale with WHOLE numbers in this type of graph.

This is a pie chart. We use pie charts to compare more than one thing in the same category. E.g. vechiles across an intersection - cars, buses, walking, trucks. We display the data using fractions or percentages.
This is a pictograph. We usually use pictorgraph to represent more than one thing in the same category. E.g. food types. We use pictures that represent more than one (check the scale/key) and therefore usually the data is quite large. e.g. one picture may represent 1000.
This is a line graph. We use line graphs to represent one category/item over time. We always plot points on intersections or cross sections before joining them up using the line. We would use a line graph for data such as: weather, interest, company stocks, etc.
This is Venn Diagram. We use it to compare 2 things (2 circles) - if we had 3 circles you would be comparing 3 things, etc. We look at the similarities (middle) and the differences (independent circles). We could use this to compare data such as: factors of a number or multiples of a number, questionairres/surveys.

Analysing sets of data:

Mean - average (add all numbers together then divide by how many numbers you had in the set of data)

Median -  middle number (sort your data from smallest to largest, the middle number is the median if you have an odd set of numbers. If you have an even set of numbers you need to add the two middle numbers and divide by 2 - average).

Mode -  The number that repeats the most (sometimes you can have more than one number, sometimes you won't have a mode).

Range -  Comparing/subtracting the largest number from your data by the smallest number from your data.

Answering questions based on graphs:
1. Highlight key words - they often try to trick you!
2. Work out what method you need to do e.g. just read off the graph, add data, subtract data, compare
3. Solve the problem and write down your answer. 

Creating our own graphs:
1. Choose the correct type of graph for the data you have.
2. Write a title for your graph.
3. Rule up the y and x axis.
4. Label the axis with subtitles.
5. Put the scale on both axis (you want to fill the page).
6. Disaply the data on your graph (NEATLY)


A pictorial representations/graph displaying data
Researched information
Using a set measurement to space out your data on your x and y axis
Y axis
The vertical line on a graph
X axis
The horizontal line on a graph
The name/topic of your graph

Monday, June 10, 2013

Science songs

This term we are covering earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. Boys are learning about each independently, as well as how they relate to each other.

On you tube there is a great member called Mr Parr, who changes popular song lyrics to songs about Science. Here below are a couple of songs that relate to our topic that boys quite enjoying listening to. Some of the ideas can be a little too complex at times for Year 6 students in the songs, but they are a great way to remember some of the content we have/will cover in preperation for our end of unit test. (crust rolls up TSUNAMI) (Pangea's moving further apart) (Ring of fire - eruption song) (Volcanoes song) (Magma rising up) (It's an earthquake song) (afterschock song) (crust in pieces)

School photos

Good morning everyone,
today an email was sent to parents regarding class photos that will take place next Wednesday 19th June. Our class photo will be at 12.15pm and will require all boys to wear formals. Please ensure blazers are nice and clean and ties are done up correctly.

Friday June 28th we will also have a photo for the whole Year 6 cohort. Boys are already required to wear formals on this day anyway, but please ensure they have their blazers, white shirts and ties for this photo. 

Photo leaflets will be coming home with all boys today and will be due Monday 17th June. Please return to our classroom, not the Preperatory Office, to be collected.

Resilience - Greg Mitchell

Today we had a guest speaker come and visit all Year 6 students to talk about resilience. He asked the boys to analyse ways they behave and see themselves, before giving real life examples of how to change their own perspectives. Greg also showed the boys resilience being shown by people with disabilities, who faced natural disasters and people less fortunate than us. He left us with the 10 skills to build resilience, which are:
  1. Hold high expectations!
  2. Change your focus.
  3. Learn that people are not born smart.
  4. Failure often leads to success.
  5. Remember its not just about you, everyone else feel that way too.
  6. Bad feelings are normal.
  7. Bad feelings don't last.
  8. You will make mistakes.
  9. You were born to be real, not perfect.
  10. Learn optimism.

After our visitor had left we returned to our classroom and discussed what impact Greg's presentation had on us personally. Boys were then asked to share who they thought was resilient in our class and why. A lot of responses ended NAME is resilient because ......
  • they used humour to deal with difficult situations
  • they faced challenges head on
  • they had a positive attitude, even when something doesn't go their way
  • they just get on with things
  • they don't sit and dwell on problems, they move on
  • they take pride in themselves and don't take to heart what others say
As I said to the boys, quite often others see things in you that you don't even see in yourself. Some boys whose names were mentioned were quite shocked that people thought they were positive, considerate and resilient. It was also nice to hear so many boys mentioned who weren't even here today as boys who showed fantastic resilience.

I have asked every boy in our class to set themselves a goal to become more independent and resilient this week. Some suggestions were:
  • Make my own lunch
  • Help out at home
  • Make an effort with someone new
  • Deal with difficult situations head on
  • Give someone a compliment to help build your relationship with them
  • Make my own bed at home
  • Help out with dinner to learn how to cook
  • Try something new or something that scares you

I look forward to hearing from everyone how they went on Friday.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Line graphs

Today boys practised  drawing their own line graphs. We spoke about the importance to remember when drawing graphs that you need:
1. A main title
2. An x and y axis
3. Subtitles for each axis
4. A scale for each axis
5. Date and Name

Here is a great link for the boys who missed out on today's session, due to catching up on their tests or music rehearsal, to see how line graphs are formed.

Boys who have been unwell

Due to the number of boys who have been unwell last week and the amount of days they have needed to take off, there is a lot of work to be caught up on. Obviously, this is a crucial part of the term where report pointers start being finalised and therefore this week some boys will have to catch up on formal assessment tasks they may have missed from last week.

Other tasks that boys have missed out on they may be given 'information sheets' instead of re-doing the activities due to time limitations. E.g. we learnt about earthquakes this week and made our own seismograph readings. Boys who missed out will be given the earthquakes background information sheet to help when they study for the test, but will not be completing the hands on activities.

Quite a few boys missed out on our reading comprehension assessment 'Tsunamis' and the Maths test on Fractions. Due to missing last week they also missed the revision sessions leading up to the Maths test (although these are all activities we have completed throughout the term). Those boys unfortunately won't have the revision time as we need to move onto the next topics and we already have another Graphing Test later this week to revise for as well.

This week we will be finishing our note taking on the Vietnam War and then putting these notes into a formal writing piece - Information Report. Last week we looked at reports and analysed them a lot. These activities were done as class tasks and involved a lot of discussion, so once again hard to catch boys up on. The main focus is on writing paragraphs with topic (main idea) sentences and complex, detailed sentences to expand on their dot points. This is a skill we have been using since Week 2 Term 1.

We completed our novel Holes last week and boys have completed their final sections of the Book Review. Any boys who have not completed this in class will be expected to complete this instead of their Communism Cartoons and reading for homework. These will be due Friday this week at the latest as this is a mark I do need to finalise ASAP.

Hopefully we have a full class back this week feeling happy and healthy. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly boys and use the sanitising gel before eating to ensure we don't spread as many germs. I am looking forward to a great week of us all getting back on track.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Diary Dates Week 6 and Homework

I know that I am putting Diary Dates and Homework up a little early this week, but I wanted boys to start thinking carefully about one of their tasks. Parents are certainly able to help with input on the Communism activity and I know it will be a real challenge for some of the boys. Remember anyone can come ask for help or feedback in the mornings when they arrive at school.

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Sports training for Rugby and AFL, Art

TUES -  P.E, Sports training for Hockey and Soccer

WED - Library, Chapel Money, Tales of Times Past visitors

THURS -  P.E, Interschool sport against Wesley

FRI -  Assembly, Homework Due, desk checks, spelling test

WRITING -Complete a cartoon with a slogan reflecting Communism. Use the activity from class and the examples you have been shown as a base point. Remember Communism is often represented as red.
READING - Read a novel of choice at home and have your parents sign your diary each night.
MATHS - Mental Maths Unit 12
SPELLING - Unit 18 - n/nn/kn and n/ng  - extension boys to also complete extension activity sheet (you will need to take your blue spelling book home which has all the extension words in the back).

List 1:
1. knit
2. restraint
3. absence
4. accidental
5. attendance
6. donkey
7. crinkled
8. tangy
9. English
10. tongue

List 2:
1. endurance
2. persistence
3. inflammable
4. independent
5. pneumonia
6. strengthen
7. language
8. distinguish
9. anxiety
10. singular

List 3:

1.           botanical
2.           constituency
3.           cantankerous
4.           inaccessible
5.           indicative
6.           congregation
7.           dinghy
8.           linguistics
9.           sphincter
10.      wrangle

Cross Country

Congratulations to all the boys who ran the Cross Country yesterday and earned points for their houses. It was a huge effort by everyone! A particular mention to those boys who set themselves goals for the challenge, whether it was to train beforehand, run more than walk, come a higher place than last year or just give it your all. Everyone from our class had a fantastic attitude and cheered their houses on, which is what it's all about!

My news

I just wanted to say thank you to all the boys and parents I have spoken to who have passed on such warm wishes after hearing my exciting news. I am officially expecting my first child with my husband in December this year, which we are both absolutely thrilled about. I am really looking forward to sharing this special time with the boys. They have all been so sweet and excited for me as well, which makes the experience even more special. I feel very privileged to have such amazing, caring parents and students in our class.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Alternative energy projects

Just a quick reminder from Mrs Hookey that all alternative energy projects will be due this Friday. All projects need to be presented so Mrs Hookey can generate your report marks. Please don't forget as we don't have library on a Friday. You may even like to bring your projects in on Thursday when we have library if you have them finished. Good luck boys!

Diary dates and homework

BLUE - Dates relating to school (left side page of diary)
RED - Homework (right side page of diary)
OTHER COLOUR OF CHOICE - Own personal commitments (right side page of diary)

MON - Public holiday

TUES -  P.E, Sports training for hockey and soccer

WED -  Art, Chapel Money, Cross Country

THURS -  Library, Interschool sport

FRI -  Assembly, Music (iPad), Homework Due, desk checks, spelling test, Maths test - Fractions

WRITING - Finish front cover designs for HOLES
READING - Catch up or re-read important parts of HOLES for our final chapter review
MATHS - Maths fractions review for test on Friday
SPELLING - Unit 17 - i_e, y, igh, i, ie  - extension boys to also complete extension activity sheet (you will need to take your blue spelling book home which has all the extension words in the back).

List 1:
1. minor
2. insight
3. diary
4. iron
5. style
6. trial
7. polite
8. inspire
9. entire
10. entitle

List 2:
1. supplier
2. multiply
3. designer
4. society
5. licence
6. license
7. organisation
8. acclimatise
9. microscope
10. indescribable

List 3:

1.           alibi
2.           beguiling
3.           criterion
4.           deprived
5.           enterprise
6.           idyllic
7.           impropriety
8.           pyrotechnic
9.           unreliable
10.      viability