Thursday, February 28, 2013

Diary Dates Week 5

Due to today being a half day with the long weekend, our class were unable to complete their diary dates at school. I encourage all boys to fill in their own personal diary dates such as sport training and music lessons. Below are the main dates for this week:

MON - Public holiday, no school!

TUES - Julian presenting his Prime Minister speech, Unit 7 Spelling Test (to catch up from Friday), iPad deployment in P1 for our class, working on our Government Posters, P.E

WED - Chapel money, library

THURS - Prep JPSSA Interschool Swimming Carnival, P.E

FRI - Homework due, Assembly

Unfortunately I will be away from Tuesday - Friday attending a funeral but Mrs Allitt will be in our classroom and knows all the boys, as well as our class routines.

STARS Week 5

Next Thursday we are completing our STARS unit on sequencing. Below is a website that boys are able to download worksheets from for free if they would like to practice at home over the week.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Maths - operations

All boys in maths have been revising and practising equations and worded problems with all four operations. In a couple of weeks there will be a test to see how much each boy has improved compared to their pre-test (completed at the very start of the year). Below is a great link if any boys would like to practice their operations at home, particuarly leading up to the test. Don't forget you also have access to Mathletics activities as well.

Young Australian of the Year 2013

Tomorrow boys will be in the Chapel for a presentation by Akram Azimi, Young Australian of the Year. This will no doubt be a very inspiring presentation that all boys will take a lot from. It might be a great conversation starter to discuss with your child what impact Akram might have had on him when he returns from school tomorrow afternoon.

More information about Akram can be found at the link below:


Hi everyone,
there seems to be a bit of confusion in regards to our class excursion to State Parliament House. All details of excursions now go out as part of the School Newsletter so make sure you click on the link and see the details.

Our class will be going on Wednesday 27th March for the morning and returning around lunch time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Homework Week 5

I know this is quite early but I wanted give the boys a heads up on their homework for next week so they are prepared and know what to take home on Friday.

SPELLING – No spelling unit this week due to short week
WRITING – complete and edit book report. Create your own cover of the book on A4 white paper. There should be no white as the background and it must be neat! The winning design will get a prize.
MATHS – Unit 3 and times tables (same format for levels as previous weeks)
READING – Every night signed in diary

All homework will be due Friday as usual and boys will receive next week their spelling words for Week 6.

I hope everyone is getting their costumes sorted for our Assembly item. It's not long now!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

World's greatest shave

It's that time of year again when boys start shaving their heads to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Although our school hasn't put together a big day like they did last year, Andrew Triglavcanin has decided to raise money and himself for this amazing cause.

If you could like to support our classmate in raising money you can either follow the link below or donate money to him in class. We all wish you the best of luck Andrew!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Homework Week 4 and Diary Dates

Spelling – practice nightly 10 words (List 3 also complete Spelling Homework sheet).
Write half a page and edit in your English book about how people can feel different emotions or strength of emotions in the same situation. E.g. two different people could feel completely differently about coming last in a swimming race.
*Think about main idea sentences at the start of your paragraphs, capital letters, punctuation and giving examples.
Reading – read every night, signed in your diary.
Maths – Unit 2 Mental Maths
Level 1 – 2 columns and times tables
Level 2 – 3 columns and times tables
Level 3 – All 4 columns
Maths extension – homework from Mrs Feaver

Mon - Chapel, sport training until 4:20pm, Library, Prime Minister speeches start
Tues - P.E
Wed - Chapel money, Art shirts
Thurs - Interschool sport again Scotch, Library, Young Australian of the year speech
Fri - Assembly, script for music 

*Boys are given time in class and encourage to write in diary dates from school and home that relate to them. They are also encouraged to schedule their homework time for the week. This is their responsibility to ensure they copy or fill in the correct information to prepare them for High School. At times the Maths Extension boys miss this time due to Assembly running overtime so they are expected to complete this in their own time.

SPELLING: Unit 7 /i/
List 1
1. split
2. listen
3. interpret
4. English
5. including
6. imprison
7. eliminate
8. scissors
9. mystery
10. syllable

List 2
1. guiltily
2. principal
3. principle
4. individual
5. innocent
6. disinterested
7. discipline
8. preliminary
9. millionaire
10. municipal

List 3
1. dissipate
2. existence
3. facilities
4. ignorant
5. impenetrable
6. incredibly
7. initially
8. literary
9. mythological
10. petition

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Swimming carnival

Don't forget to bring you bathers, towel and sports gear tomorrow for the Swimming Carnival. Good luck to everyone for the big races and remember to cheer you house on!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Electricity - Science

Last week the boys were given a quick introduction into how electricity works. We came up with definitions for energy, electricity and resistance. Below are some websites that have clear examples or games that boys are able to read through. Some we used last week as well. This week we will be creating and experimenting with our own circuits.

Spelling and homework Wk 3

Homework for this week will be similar to the past couple of weeks.

WRITING - last week to write and prepare speech on Australian Prime Minister.
*Boys will be drawn out of a hat from Monday and be expected to present their speech on any given day.

READING - Up to the end of Chapter 9 of "The boy in the dress" by Monday. Free choice reading for a minimum of 10 minutes each day.

MATHS - Mental Maths Unit 1 completed and corrected.
Level 1 - first two columns and then times table practice
Level 2 - first three columns and then times table practice
Level 3 - all columns for unit 1

SPELLING - Practice weekly words every night and then complete parent test on Thursday night. Extension (List 3) boys are also expected to complete worksheet based on their words.

List 1:
1. insect
2. pencil
3. petrol
4. breath
5. select
6. recess
7. error
8. recipe
9. envelop
10. envelope

List 2:
1. president
2. reference
3. medicine
4. necessary
5. incessant
6. evidence
7. expensive
8. dispensary
9. especially
10. conscientious

List 3:
1. Assessment
2. Census
3. Condescending
4. Consensus
5. Effervescent
6. Incidentally
7. Inevitable
8. Necessarily
9. Predecessor
10. Reminisce

Just for a while

Hi everyone,
due to some complications that are being resolved at the moment with me not being able to sign into the school Wiki created, I have made this blog. Once I get access to the CCGS Wiki site I will delete this blog and start up a new class one aligning itself with CCGS protocol.

I hope this blog provides you with some extra information that you might need at home and a reminder for certain information you may need.

Kind regards,
Lee Geelhoed